Never Ending Road??? I dont think so...

Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 9:58 PM

Well, all I have to say is that the title of the song is definitely going to change. I have been working on the song on and off. As a matter of fact I was able to record the rhythm and solo guitar on Monday, December 7. I'm really hoping that this song may be a success. It sounds good to me but as we all know that doesn't always matter. Right now i added the drums to the track which definitely added a whole lot of bottom and thickness to the track. It's starting to sound like a song! Well i think that the hard part is almost done but then again we have the video editing to think about also. I'm taking it day by day. As I see the due date getting closer and closer the pressure is definitely mounting on us but I believe that we will have something of quality to present. Going through the song right now, I've been meditating on the words and the song is taking a different turn in terms of the lyrics, especially when it comes to the chorus. Hitting the main theme of this blog, I have come to the conclusion that Never Ending Road will not be the title of the song. I'm still working on the chorus and of course this is when I have to get writer's block. It's always the best ain't it?! I edited the words that were posted on my previous blog which contained the lyrics of the song. I want to change the chorus completely so if anyone has any suggestions you can comment and please I beg of anyone who is reading this to give some fresh ideas. Thank you very much. Talk to you soon.

-Daniel Torres

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