2 weeks left
Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 12:50 PM
It is the 1st of December and this project is still in the beginning stages. I'm trying really hard to stay focused on the ideas and creativity given by both Ender and myself. I've been trying to figure out where I want to go with the song. It's funny because it's usually easier when you speak on a topic that you're passionate about, but when it comes to something given to you, you have to force the creativity and inspiration out of you. My hope is that through this video we can express a work of art that will not only mean something now but for time to come. I know that this project is a final and everything but when it comes to music it means a lot more to me than that and i hope that I can express that through this song. I continuously think about the title "The Never Ending Road" and it brings so many things to mind because life can be looked at as the never ending road. We all choose a path to walk on and many times the path we choose is not really a path we have chosen but a path that was inherited because of the mindset of many. The song is going to hit major points like abuse and drugs, but I think that it can be generalized in such a way that it tells the story of life itself and the paths we walk and how those paths dictate our very lives.
-Daniel Torres
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