Painful Journey Finished Product

Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 11:17 AM


Presenting soon....

Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 8:01 AM


Our presention is coming up soon on monday the 14th...and im getting still practicing the piano and im onlu up to the chorus i need to learn verse 2 and the bridge and ill be fine with everything else... me and daniel planned to meet up 2morrow and friday to recorded our video for the song so we can do the editing and have it done by monday.

Daniel has told me that he is finished with the vocal recording and everything we have the song all we need is the video and we will be finished....we have an idea of recording by train tracks or by somewhere abondended a place where it looks like people do drugs....

-Ender De Los Santos-

Photos for Video

Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 5:01 AM


Here are some photos that might be incorporated into the music video

-Daniel Torres

Painful Journey

Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 6:42 PM


I almost forgot to give you guys the final draft of the lyrics to the song. I would say that it went through a vast transformation in terms of the lyrical content and vocal arrangements. I would also like to add that the title of the song has changed to "Painful Journey" as the title of this blog also is. The reason why i called it Painful Journey is because throughout the song it shows how whoever goes through these situations is going on a journey to be free from these things that have oppressed them and caused a tremendous amount of pain physically as much as mentally and of course there is a solution. This is basically the synopsis of the song. Here is the final draft including the structure of the song.

Verse 1
I'm walking all alone on this empty road
Not knowing where to go
The thing I seem to fear
I wont let go
Pain I feel so near
I can’t seem to get it out
of my head
No hope but to die instead
All I want is to forget

Forget the lies
The pain inside
This heart of mine
Still beats inside
And I'll survive
See paradise
Through He who gave His very life
You can't define life
Through these eyes
Unless you plan
to see demise
But I'm satisfied
Though petrified
I've been given
A brand new life

Verse 2
The sickness inside
through the facade of all the lies
the addiction of the powder
through the holes I satisfy
simple the solution
but to get there is where the struggle lies
The roots have been cemented
until the day that i deny





-Daniel Torres

Crunch Time :-/

Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 6:05 PM


Alright so right now I just finished laying down the vocals for the track. The song is coming out pretty sweet but I'm kind of worried about my vocals. I honestly don't think that I sound that great. I hope that my vocals can compliment the track once my vocals are mixed with the track by my brother Hector. I have to give a lot of thanks to my brother for laying down the bass track and also for taking the time to help me out and mix and master the song. Honestly it wouldn't sound that great without a great engineer behind the board. I know that audio engineers don't get a lot of "props" when it comes down to the quality but in my experience they are a big factor in the quality in terms of sound and production. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. He laid down the bass track as i said before and it really gave some bottom and kick to the track. He blew me away with the instrumental mix down. I was amazed at how good it sounded after it was mixed. So as I said, I laid down the vocals for the song, so now all that's left is for my brother to come in tomorrow and mix and master the song. What's going to come after is that on Thursday and Friday I and Ender are going to meet up around nine o'clock both days and really just crunch in as much video recording as possible for the music video. Right now I'm going to go to YouTube and check out some videos that I can use to actually be part of the video also. What I desire to show is the reality of sexual and drug abuse and show how life doesn't have to be that way, which is basically how the Chorus of the song is constructed. It's truly crunch time right now since we have only about four days to get the video footage and video editing done. I believe that it's possible especially because when it comes to these type of things I can work on it for hours. Time to bring out the creativity!

-Daniel Torres

Practicing the keys...

Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 2:10 PM


I'm home now. It's Dec. 9th and I'm practicing the keys for the music video and its become very hard and sort of confusing. Here waiting for my mother to cook the food cause I'm starving and I'm practicing the intro and verse 1.

In the intro the left hand which has to go together with the right is a little confusing. I wont be able to get it exactly the way its played but I would get close enough to it.

I haven't started the verse yet but i am almost finished with the intro.

-Ender De Los Santos-

Never Ending Road??? I dont think so...

Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 9:58 PM


Well, all I have to say is that the title of the song is definitely going to change. I have been working on the song on and off. As a matter of fact I was able to record the rhythm and solo guitar on Monday, December 7. I'm really hoping that this song may be a success. It sounds good to me but as we all know that doesn't always matter. Right now i added the drums to the track which definitely added a whole lot of bottom and thickness to the track. It's starting to sound like a song! Well i think that the hard part is almost done but then again we have the video editing to think about also. I'm taking it day by day. As I see the due date getting closer and closer the pressure is definitely mounting on us but I believe that we will have something of quality to present. Going through the song right now, I've been meditating on the words and the song is taking a different turn in terms of the lyrics, especially when it comes to the chorus. Hitting the main theme of this blog, I have come to the conclusion that Never Ending Road will not be the title of the song. I'm still working on the chorus and of course this is when I have to get writer's block. It's always the best ain't it?! I edited the words that were posted on my previous blog which contained the lyrics of the song. I want to change the chorus completely so if anyone has any suggestions you can comment and please I beg of anyone who is reading this to give some fresh ideas. Thank you very much. Talk to you soon.

-Daniel Torres

"Never Ending Road" Update 2

Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 9:37 AM


Well its Dec. 4th and i am in Daniels house working on the piano part of the song...and so far it is going very well...all we need is to add two or three more parts to the song and the keys will be done. After i would have to learn on my own the keys on the piano.

We've worked on the chorus and the verses so far and we have recorded a little bit of what we have done or recorded us practicing and coming up with the ideas for the keys just a little don't want to spoil it all. SO far we have a set of arrangements down we have the keys, the strings, the pad, and some arrangements down for the electric guitar.

-Ender De Los Santos

Never Ending Road Update

Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 8:06 PM


It's 11 p.m. right now and I started getting to work on the song because it's crunch time right now. So far i think that the mistake that I have committed was to think of the music while writing the song. What I'm doing now is writing out the song first so like that the words can inspire the music. I'm the type of musician that likes to look deep into the detail because I believe that each song is like a portrait. Each instrument is a landscape and each arrangement are the tones of colors. I'm working through the words and this is what I have so far

Never Ending Road

Verse 1
I'm walking all alone on this empty road
Not knowing where to go
The thing I seem to fear
I wont let go
Pain I feel so near
I can’t seem to get it out
of my head
No hope but to die instead
All I want is to forget


Never Ending Road
This Never Ending Road
I’m trying to forget
Get out of my head
This never ending road
This never ending road
The cycle of fear
And all of my tears

Verse 2
The sickness inside
through the facade of all the lies
the addiction of the powder
through the holes I satisfy
simple the solution
but to get there is where the struggle lies
The roots have been cemented
until the day that i deny

Back to Chorus


Any and all constructive criticism is accepted and wanted. Please let me know what you guys think. I really want this song to relay a message that reveals the truth of these themes in our society and make people realize the importance in acting on behalf of what is right. As i said earlier, I know that this is a project but for me it also calls for awareness.

-Daniel Torres

2 weeks left

Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 12:50 PM


It is the 1st of December and this project is still in the beginning stages. I'm trying really hard to stay focused on the ideas and creativity given by both Ender and myself. I've been trying to figure out where I want to go with the song. It's funny because it's usually easier when you speak on a topic that you're passionate about, but when it comes to something given to you, you have to force the creativity and inspiration out of you. My hope is that through this video we can express a work of art that will not only mean something now but for time to come. I know that this project is a final and everything but when it comes to music it means a lot more to me than that and i hope that I can express that through this song. I continuously think about the title "The Never Ending Road" and it brings so many things to mind because life can be looked at as the never ending road. We all choose a path to walk on and many times the path we choose is not really a path we have chosen but a path that was inherited because of the mindset of many. The song is going to hit major points like abuse and drugs, but I think that it can be generalized in such a way that it tells the story of life itself and the paths we walk and how those paths dictate our very lives.

-Daniel Torres

2 Weeks left. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 9:58 AM


Well me and Daniel have only 2 weeks left to finish and accomplish this video. I will be going to visit his house and work on this project on Wednesday and on Friday so he can teach me the chords that I have to play on the keys and so I can practice myself when I get home from his house. We will listen to what we will be playing and see if we need to make any adjustments. I think that I have a basic understanding of what Daniel has come up with and it's a really good idea. We will play starting with the strings and then coming in with the keys.

-Ender De Los Santos

Never Ending Road "The Process"

Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 9:55 PM


Well right now it is 12:55 and i'm feeling sick right now but, i cant go to bed yet because an idea just daunted on me. I grabbed my Acoustic Martin Guitar and just started playing what i felt and it seems that i have a solid idea for the song already. I started to play the E minor and C major chords in a 3/4 time. Each chord plays for a bar. Then I started to get ideas for words. So far i have the first verse of the song. I'm pretty happy because it came to me in a moment of inspiration which are the moments that I like the most. I really have to thank Veronica Garces, a good friend who actually got me to play my guitar while talking about music then of course as always the best ideas come at moments that you don't expect them to. At the same time I also have the title for the song which is also the title of the blog which is "Never Ending Road." The name wasn't really thought out but it was one of those moments that "just happens." As I was playing the topics ran through my head and immediately the title "Never Ending Road" popped in to my head. I think that it's perfect because when you think about these social issues in peoples lives many people can compare these circumstances to a never ending road. The never ending road symbolizes the struggle, the consistency of the pain and hurt, and basically the path that we walk.
Before all of this I know that I originally wanted to start with piano but as far as ideas and inspiration went, it took me on a different path where i know it will come out great. The idea right now is to start with the acoustic guitar to set the mood for the song and get into the life of the words that will be sung. I still want to add the strings. This is where Ender will come in to play the keys. And definitely for it to come to a bang in the chorus. Ender and I will be coming together to formulate these ideas and put together this song into a final masterpiece that I hope it will be. We'll keep you updated

-Daniel Torres


Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 9:18 AM


Today is the 19th of November. I'm here at school right now in the computer lab in thinking mode about the process of going about the making of the music for the music video. As i said earlier i have a basic idea for the intro and verse but i need to lay down arrangements for the guitars and vocals and what not. More importantly i need to get working on the lyrics for the song. What I and Ender know for certain is that the song is going to talk about drugs, child abuse and rape. We're going to get together to work on the lyrics and i was thinking to make the song in the format of a story where all these situation come together into one story. What we would like to stress is the severity of these issues in not only the nation we live in but also the world we live in and the importance for change. These are the ideas so far. You will definitely be updated on any other progress. If anyone has any suggestion that would help out please let us know. Thanks. Talk to you soon!

-Daniel Torres

First entry towards Final Project

Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 7:40 AM


Me and my partner Daniel have agreed on meeting up on the following monday to work on the porject and just work on the music that we need to play on the instruments. We want to get the song down pacted and ready to play so we can get to recording anything we have for that day.

Ender De Los Santos

First Blog of the FInal Project

Posted by Los Bachateros | Posted on 7:23 AM


I came up with an idea for a song. Right now it's in the works. The intro will be with the piano playing a sad but strong intro with minor chords. Then, strings will come in to build on the piano with crescendo. I'm hoping to have song set up so that the lead voice will come in during the piano and strings then dropping electric guitars and drums in the chorus making a vamp from a classical sounding song into rock. I would like to create a fusion within genres of the classical music genre and rock to make it sound a bit different and it will lead on from there.

Daniel Torres